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Extracts :
Sl No. |
Product |
Uses & Properties |
1. |
Agrimory P. E. |
Astringent tonic, diuretic, promotes assimilation of food, skin care, ulcers, cures jaundice & liver complaints. |
2. |
Alfalfa extract |
Enhances energy, excellent source of nutritive properties,appetite stimulant, overall tonic & cures arthritis. |
3. |
Almond Powder |
Skin and hair care, bronchial diseases, coughs, hoarseness, costiveness, nephritic pains & kidney disorders. |
4. |
Aloe Vera Extract |
Strong lexative,healing, soothing & cleansing properties, soothes the intestinal system & used for skin care. |
5. |
Amla |
Antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, digestive aid, improves memory & intellect, promotes sleep & hair care. |
6. |
Andrographis paniculata P. E. |
Immunostimualant, treat GI tract, upper respiratory infections & a variety of other chronic & infectious diseases. |
7. |
Angelica archangelica extract |
Diaphoretic, aromatic stimulant, used in treating typhoid, cold, rheumatism & diseases of the urinary organs. |
8. |
Artichoke Extract |
Antihepatotoxic,antioxidant, liver and gallbladder bile stimulator, hepatoprotective, detoxifier, digestive stimulant,hepatotonic,hypocholesterolemic,astringent, blood cleanser, cardiotonic & treats digestive disorders. |
9. |
Ashwagandha (Zui Qie) |
Adaptogen,normalizes cholesterol levels,mental problems,general debility,nervous & sexual debility, headaches. |
10. |
Asparagus Root P.E. |
Used in eye care, cases of dropsy, diuretic & laxative. |
11. |
Banaba Extract |
Helps to regulate blood sugar & insulin levels in the blood, promotes weight loss & controls appetite. |
12. |
Barley grass extract |
Helps digestion, elimination, detoxification, tissue repair, skin problems & prevention of degenerative disease. |
13. |
Bilberry P. E. |
Astringent, scurvy & urinary complaints, antigalactagogues, diabetes, diarrhoea, dysentery & ulcers of mouth. |
14. |
Black Cohosh |
Astringent, emmenagogue, diuretic, alterative, expectorant, infantile disorders & induces perspiration. |
15. |
Burdock Root P. E. |
Alterative, diuretic and diaphoretic, best blood purifiers,skin care & resolvent for tumours and gouty swellings. |